Saturday, March 19, 2011

Testing... Testing

A blog. i never imaged i might do this. for now it might help organize my thoughts, and maybe it'll help me finally pull together some random strays of fanfiction... or even regualar fiction, for i've some there planned... and get them out on paper/computer screen. so much to learn and figure out.

In time, there are things in life that take charge before everything fades into darkness, always know that no matter how hard it is to live life, that as long as you never give up, there is a change to keep liveing

1 comment:

  1. It works! I shall follow you =D You can follow me too if you want *big grin*

    I just went to your fanfiction site (since it's in your profile) and saw the blind sniper character. I've never actually looked at your site before ^^; Anyway, I am very very shocked, as my hero in the book I'm working on is blind...He isn't a sniper anymore (or, well, not while he's blind), but he was a sniper before the injury (or at least the other characters think he was; he has some other injuries). Now that is some crazy cosmic connection we must have right there!
