Monday, March 21, 2011

Life spun upsidedown :)

This week is gonna be fun.

The Upside to it, i get a day off in the middle and a three day weekend at the end. the Downside? i have to pull two 24 hour shifts, one on Tuesday, one on Thursday. I struggle as it is staying up past 2 am... fun fun...

plus i've a pounding headache... to much soda, not enough water over the weekend probably.

To top it off, I've a drive to write two different stories, one which is Reviving Life where i've hit a snag, so to speak... romances i suck at but will figure out how to bridge together where i am to where i've thought... Truckers playing Paintball anyone?

The second story, for whatever reason, i want to rewrite Transformers Strike, my fanfic, for the third time. While the core of the story will end up being more or less the same, i want to change so many thigns... i've loose ends that need to be rid of or expanded upon, the main character, one of my originals, has evovled so much since his humble beginnings when i first began writing Fanfic back in... i want to say '06 but i'm not sure.
Hmm... Transformers Strike Third Edition, it's almost got a ring to it. but the story, for all the good it is, is so choppy and low grade.. i just want to try and rework it, evovle it, expand it.

so yea, two 24 hour shifts, two stories, one person which is me... to many ideas, to few to pin and write.


  1. So much going on! I hope you're doing okay on those 24 hour shifts...maybe during that time you'll come up with all kinds of stuff for your stories =D

  2. a little, but not a whole lot :) i survived them, still sleepy right now, but i survived them
