Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Some people are great, i could hang out with them for hours on end.

other people are nice, but they give off an aura i am not comfortable with and make things awkward.
Few of these types of people sometimes just don't understand i don't want to hang with them daily at late hours in the day.

then there's the other crowd of folks who i could hardly ever get along with that drive me up the wall with their annoyances that causes me to snap unintentionally because i cannot get used to them.

I'm extremely picky with the people i hang out, just like I'm rather picky with the cloth type i wear with cloths. if i don't like the texture, no matter how nice it looks I'll never get it.

Just like I'll never fully get over talking via phone, i prefer text messages or face to face interaction.

sometimes i fear this pickiness is gonna get at me in trouble with people, but then again they refuse to acknowledge my fears and discomforts and tell me to get over them. that's like telling one of my 'battle buddies' to get over her deep fear of spiders. while with the phone I've come a long ways, i still hate calling out, perhaps its the fear of the other end, i dunno.

perhaps i chose the wrong line of work, i dunno, at this point I'm just trying to finish my time in. maybe it'll get better and i stay in, maybe not. at this point only time will tell.

Hmm... this almost feels like a mini rant...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Quiet, Rampet Moments

All the pleasuries i once enjoyed so quiet, even when my mind still runs rampent. lately when i've been writing/typing nothing has sounded right.

hell, this story was a pain in the ass to figure out how to word... even if i had the picture in my head since i watch the movie.

i guess i just cannot find the normal joy i once had, or maybe i'm thinking way to hard about this stuff.

of course, it's not like anyone anywhere notices me that much. just another semi-unscuessful writer not knowing what the hell i'm doing... heh