Thursday, June 30, 2011


How does one define Respect?

It's a struggle, really, at least for me

all over you can see respect, but how do you put it into words?

a common military saying is 'respect the rank...' which is understandable, Military salutes or stands still at the raising and lowering of the flag, pay respects to the fallen both in the combat zone and later at the cemetary.

Is there difference between Respect and Loyaty, or are they the same? being loyal to a cause would mean you respect it, but you can respect a cause without being loyal to it.

why is it so hard to explain in a 30 slide, 10 words at least per slide? perhaps i'm overthinking, but that's just how i am i guess...

if these kinds of assignments weren't so 'broad' or 'ambiguous'

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