Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Preperation for Departation

I have about 13 months left in active service, at the end of this week i'm changing companies because the one i'm currently in is deploying relatively soon and they are not allowing Females... save the commander but eh. the only thing i need to really correct is my run time, and its smooth sailing.

so since the end is approaching, and rapidly though it might not seem like it, i've been getting ready for the freedom. I plan on going to college to take the classes that my dad is currently in, his instructor can't wait to meet me because as of right now, only two females have complete the Refrigerant and Heating course. i think it'll be a comfortable challenge after the Army, and it'll be nice to get back into the school environment. ultimately i'll have my dad's help with the class, so any homework and anything i can get proper help without waiting on a teacher or anything.

i'll also have a job secured if dad's business takes off. i'd be his little helper.

as it is, i've also been trying to help my parents lose some weight. it's a scary, and sad, thought that i, my 150 pounds that i don't look like (guys would pin me 120 the lightest, 130 the heaviest), am half the weight of my dad. he's gotta lose 80 lbs to be in a healthy range, and my mom has to lose about the same herself. i've been trying from the sidelines for a few years now (since i joined the Army), but they always get busy taking care of my Autistic brother.

ah well, all i can do now is focus on the next while. mebbe i'll get somewhere safe.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Warrior Series

Since the origanl arc started to hit paperback, though i wonder if it ever had a hardcover, i've followed a series called Warriors, which is a tale about feral cats and the life they live. it is such a powerful series, it's worth looking into, even if you aren't much of a cat person.

the origanl arc follows a normal, young housecat name Rusty and his yearning to explore the woods, catch his own prey, and feel free. he encounters these wild cats, who invite him into their clan. he joins, and is renamed Firepaw, an apprentice of Thunderclan. he uncovers many serects as he continues to rise up through the ranks, his warrior name is Fireheart, and by the end of the Series, he becomes Thunderclan's Leader, Firestar.

the next series deals with four chosen cats, and two other tagalongs, who must travel far in order to find a new home for the four clans. the clans make the Great Journey to their new home.

the next two series go hand in hand, starting with the story of two powerful cats born as decendents of Firestar who have powers beyond that of Starclan, with the current series adding the third member of this trio. Jayfeather is a Blind cat who is the Medience Cat, who can walk into the dream of any cat and in his dreams can see clearly. Lionblaze is a powerful warrior who cannot be harmed in battle, whether it be from other cats or even a fox. the final member, Dovewing, has ultra sensitive hearing, she can evesdrop on any clan within the lake terratory.

currently waiting on the final book of the fourth series. ontop of those, there the Super Editions, long books that give us insight into an important Cat's life. while the first one dealt with Firestar rebuilding a fifth clan, Skyclan, the next one showed us Bluestar's life (she lead before Firestar). then we got to see how Skyclan was faring after Firestar had left. next was Crookedstar's tale, which spoke of how his life, and why he  was the way he was. rumor has it the next is title Yellowfang's Secret, Yellowfang is a warrior turned Medicne Cat who started in Shadowclan and later joined Thunderclan.

the fifth arc is rumored to take place in the past.

such an interesting series.